Well I have made it to the end of my fourteen day experiment and I was able to accomplish my goal by abstaining from caffeine. I kind of feel that it is somewhat of a lackluster finish but only because I have been near complaint free for almost a week. But that shouldn’t overshadow the accomplishment of my goal. I learned a little something about myself over the past two weeks that I drink caffeinated beverages on a regular basis and this experiment really exposed how much I actually consumed. With that being said, I should state that I fully intend to drink a large regular cup of coffee tomorrow. Not because I’m going through any kind of withdrawal but because I actually miss drinking coffee. I think coffee would be the hardest drinks to quit only because it has been a morning staple for many years now and the majority of people I surround myself with, drink coffee. Although I will not stop drinking coffee, I probably will cut back a little bit.